Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Prayer and pain

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Matthew 2:23

At 3 a.m. last night a painful muscle spasm woke me from a sound sleep. I had been plagued all day by the spasms, missing my therapy sessions. If I relaxed and breathed deeply, gradually the spasm would cease and the pain would subside -- kind of like labor pains, but without such a positive outcome.

Worn out and in desperation, I prayed for God to take my spasms away. I went to sleep for a while and woke up feeling content and relaxed. Even though I had two more spasms, I also was able to breathe through them. I felt that God had given me something even greater than even taking away the spasms -- He had given me contentment. I felt at ease and happy with whatever would happen, safe in the love of God.

As it turned out, God also took away my spasms. They began to get less painful and now they are gone completely -- hopefully never to return. Today I was back at therapy sessions. God is always present, waiting for us to call.   He does answer prayer, maybe not in the way we ask, but often in a way that brings even  greater satisfaction than we could have guessed.

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