Monday, September 14, 2015

More podcasts that I love…

Did you think I was done after only one post? Oh you're not that lucky… Here are some more podcasts that I dearly love.

The Pop Culture Happy Hour is a podcast that I've been listening to for quite a while and liking more and more. The moderator, Linda Holmes, keeps the panelists like Glen Weldon, Stephen Thompson and Barrie Hardymon in line (quite a task sometimes). They are an astute group and very interesting to listen to plus each has a unique personality that comes through in their comments. I have learned a lot from the podcasts, which are entertaining even if I haven't seen the movie or read the book etc. I found out about Orphan Black, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Bo Jack Horseman from this podcast and I respect the panelists' opinions about books and movies.

Josh and Chuck
Josh and Chuck from the podcast Stuff You Should Know seem like guys who might be my younger brothers. They have a real unique vibe and I trust them implicitly. They are very well informed on subjects that interest me and they have a great chemistry – they are very nice to each other and seem to like each other a lot. They've been on the air for years and their topics are those that I really want to know more about like:
  • Does Gum Stay in Your Stomach for Seven Years?
  • Are Dogs Really Man's Best Friend?
  • Why Does Toothpaste Make Orange Juice Taste Bad? 
  • How Face Transplants Work and 
  • How Can a Lake Explode?

It is hard to describe Welcome to Night Vale and harder to explain why love I it. But I'll give it a try anyway. Cecil Palmer is the radio host of the podcast, with news announcements and advertisements from the desert town of Night Vale. All the incidents are presented as news but they all are very strange and unusual even though Cecil does not acknowledge it. For instance,The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home makes an appearance in almost every show along with sci-fi nightmare Hiram McDaniels. This show is very strange and very addicting.

Stay tuned for more podcasts! Yes you're right, I do have unlimited time to listen to these!

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