Monday, August 16, 2010


Last night as we were driving back from Elgin after taking the rest of Chelsea's things to her, I spied a row of flashing red lights that stretched from the west horizon across the flat farmland all the way to the east. Ron said they must be warning lights on tops of the big energy- producing windmills we'd seen on the way up.

Ron pointed out one that was out of synch. When the rest of lights went dark, it flashed red through the night. "There's always one," he said, and it's true. There's one person in every group who sticks out: either because they're a rebel or just different.

I thought of the windmills this morning when I was watching Today. Matt interviewed a woman who had lost her short-term memory and couldn't remember things that happened after 1994. She said she just wanted to be like everyone else, but it occurred to me that she and her husband wouldn't be on Today if she was. It's our differences that set us apart and make us special, whether they are good or bad. I guess I should be thankful for the difference that I have.

Ron's photo of a Dwight windmill is above

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