Monday, August 30, 2010


Last night had to be one of the strangest ever, probably because I missed a couple of doses of medicine that I normally take for MS. In addition, so that I could enjoy the evening, I had taken an additional dose of medication designed to fight fatigue. A friend said that some of the drugs I'm taking affect the chemistry of my brain and I believe it!

I attended my book group yesterday evening and had a wonderful time. Each woman in the group is so interesting and magnificent in her own way -- I feel very blessed to be a part of it. We discussed The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, the true story of how the author grew up in appalling poverty and neglect despite being part of an intact nuclear family. Her father was an alcoholic and her mother had some mental issues, but the author is now a successful journalist and author. Most of members of the group agreed that they enjoyed this book, although (of course) we spent some time discussing its weaknesses.

I got home about 10 and watched the Emmy Awards with Ron (we had taped it), but when they got over about midnight I wasn't tired. I read for another hour and I was still wide-awake. I tried to sleep anyway. That was a mistake.

When I closed my eyes, I saw crazy patterns and flashing circles -- it put me in mind of the Beatles Yellow Submarine or hallucinations I imagine you might see if you took LSD (my wildest drug experience during the 70s was limited to eating some Alice B. Toklas brownies then watching the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey).

When I did get to sleep I had vivid strange dreams: in one I chased an errant trick-or-treater through an apartment, caught him and turned him upside down. Pretty amazing feat I must say. In all my dreams, I am able-bodied, even supernaturally empowered -- running, hiking, swimming, even flying. Wish fulfillment I guess. Anyway today I am back to normal (whatever that means) and will get onto the regular schedule of drugs.

A side note: when I saw my doctor last she said that some of the people who have multiple sclerosis are taking as many as 30 drugs. I take three. I guess I should feel good about that.

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