Saturday, August 7, 2010

A wedding and a funeral

Today was busy because I attended a "funeral" in the morning and began to plan a wedding in the afternoon.

This morning, I served as a mourner for the reenactment of Lawrence Joergen-Dahl's funeral at the Dana-Thomas House. I wore a long black skirt and dark jacket and decided to borrow one of Chelsea's head bands for a somewhat suitable funeral headpiece. I was interested in just being a part of the event; because I am so disabled I knew that I wouldn't be able to do much. When I pulled in the parking lot, I was delighted to see Susan's original horse and carriage. It was going to be used for the funeral reenactment. Many of the other mourners were costumed in authentic looking Victorian funeral garb complete with hats. As a mourner, I feigned sadness during the mock funeral.

This afternoon, I met with Emily and Jake and her dad and his wife and Jake's mother at one of the venues we're considering for their wedding/reception. It is a beautiful location and the coordinator was helpful and nice. I would like to go with this location if we can. This will be a wonderful event and I can hardly wait. I hope that I can be some assistance to Emily, since she is working full time and pretty stressed out.

Two major events in one day -- what will tomorrow bring?

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