Saturday, November 20, 2010

Unanticipated freedom and Lincoln Memorial Gardens

Intrepid photographer
It was very liberating to me when, last week, during the unseasonably warm weather we were having, Ron and I went to Lincoln Memorial Gardens. We live close to the Gardens and went there a lot when the girls were little, but we haven't been there lately. Now that Ron is interested in photography, we decided to visit again.

I took my scooter, assuming I could only access the paved trails, but when we started exploring I discovered, to my delight, that the scooter could go "off-road," handling the unpaved trails with no problem. This gave me a feeling of unexpected freedom and Ron took a number of pictures (see below).

Jens Jensen
This morning, a fog enveloped the yard and Ron decided to go to the Gardens again. I stayed home and found the following article in today's paper -- "Celebrating Jens Jensen, preserver of Midwest landscapes" -- interesting timing. Jensen designed the Gardens!

We are so fortunate to live near such a beautiful place, and I feel like it was an unexpected gift to be able to go on the trails. Life is full of surprises!

Lincoln Memorial Gardens Bay by Ron McDonald

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