Sunday, August 22, 2010


In the immortal words of the Mick Jagger "I can't get no satisfaction." But, in my case anyway, Mick was wrong. I felt very satisfied when I completed the project I worked on for most of the day yesterday.

I am editor for the bimonthly volunteer newsletter for the Dana-Thomas House, the Volunteer Voice. This month that meant that I met with the volunteer coordinator for the house and the director of the gift shop, gathered article ideas, wrote the articles, sized and wrote captions for the photos (someone else did take the pictures), laid out the newsletter and sent the PDF for review.

Maybe it is such a satisfying project because I do almost everything and I am given a lot of control. Or maybe it's because I feel like I am performing a needed service or because I am so comfortable with these tasks. I'm not sure what makes this so nice to work on, but it is.

One of the photos from the funeral reinactment of Lawrence Joergen-Dahl
in the September/October Volunteer Voice.

I need to find more projects like this that involve social interaction and use my writing and publishing skills. This opportunity came my way a few years ago when the volunteer coordinator let me do it to stay involved since I had to give up giving tours. It has been a real blessing, especially now. I thank God for it.

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