Saturday, August 6, 2011

An Opening at Gallery II

PAA President Roland Folse and Ron
Last night we attended a gala event -- the opening of the Juried Associate Member Show at the Prairie Art Alliance's Gallery II.  Ron had two photos on display and we both were pretty excited about the evening.  And, even though Ron didn't sell any photos at the event, we had a great time.

When the show opened the two-room gallery was already packed with people -- a mixture of tattooed, long-haired artsy types; tourists with time on their hands after seeing the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, folks who appeared to have come only for the free food and wine, and twenty-somethings with young children in tow. It was an eclectic group, but everyone was in a good mood -- after all it was Friday.

PAA member artwork (one of Ron's is horse in top row)
The member art was in one room and was a (surprisingly) high-quality show consisting of photos, paintings,
jewelry and sculpture, most of it priced reasonably. I've always liked the idea of patronizing local artists -- it's so much more satisfying to have a beautiful original from a local artist than a mass-produced print from Bed, Bath and Beyond. Plus the piece often has a local tie-in, showing a landmark or vista from the Springfield area.

Ron's whole family (with the exception of one sister and her husband who had just left town the day before)
Ron's sister takes his photo
showed up to support him -- amazing! I took a couple of "rest stops" on a bench on the street outside the gallery when it got too hot and crowded, then ventured back to talk with some of the local artists.  Many of these creative men and women have day jobs and who pursuing their dreams on nights and weekends.  They inspire and encourage.

As Bloody Mary sang in "South Pacific":

You got to have a dream,
If you don't have a dream,
How you gonna have a dream come true?

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